Pocket-Sized Disney Essentials

One of the absolute worst parts of going to Disney is the bag check. The lines are so long and crowded. Every time I go through bag check, I gaze longingly at the deserted Guests Without Bags gate that only boyfriends and dads ever seem to go through. I decided to do something about that and challenged myself to do a day at Disney without a bag – no purse, no backpack, not even a fanny pack. Continue reading

Disney in a Boot

I had the misfortune of breaking my foot two weeks before I was supposed to spend my birthday weekend at Disney, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me! In fact, I spent the Wednesday before my birthday weekend at Disney too. Thanks to Grandma’s wheelchair and some very generous people pushing me, I was able to enjoy Disney as if I were walking around instead of rolling. Continue reading

Italian Dressing

Before I get in to all the clothes I packed to spend a month in Italy, can we just appreciate the cleverness of the title for this post and the fact that I crack up laughing every time I read it or think about it?

Alright, now that that’s out of the way, I wanted to share with you one of the biggest struggles in prepping to spend a month in Italy – what to pack! Continue reading

Study Abroad Sickness

The first two weeks of study abroad were great, but week three hit everyone hard. It seemed like half our group got sick, including myself. Week four, everyone who wasn’t sick week three got sick from their friends/roommates who were sick the week before. It was awful being sick and having to miss out on some of the beauty of Italy so here’s a little of what I went through and some tips for being sick while traveling abroad. Continue reading