First Week of School as a Teacher – EVER!

What a whirlwind! With things changing seemingly every minute, I somehow not only survived my first week of school as a teacher EVER – I thrived! Read on to find out how it all went!

We had the two weeks before school to set up our classrooms and prep with our teams for the upcoming school year. Things were changing constantly. I started the two weeks with 15 full time students and 2 hybrid students. I ended the week with 11 full time students and 2 hybrid students on opposite schedules. So at most, I have 12 kids at a time.

Our restrictions at school because of COVID-19 include:

  • Masks at all times for (except eating lunch, PE, and recess)
  • Social distancing
  • Desks 6 feet apart from the center
  • One-way hallways and staircases
  • Specials teachers come to our classrooms instead of students going to specials rooms
  • PE inside for the first few weeks
  • One class at a time at recess (so we have indoor recess a lot)
  • Only 2 classes at lunch each day (so we eat in our rooms every 3 days)
  • Temperature checks for every employee and student when they come on campus
  • Constant hand washing/sanitizing
  • Individual supplies to limit shared supplies
  • Students have all supplies (textbooks, whiteboards, clipboards, writing utensils, etc.) at their desk in a bin
  • Books from the classroom library must sit 4 days before returning to the bookshelves
  • I’m sure there’s more I just can’t think of right now
Individual supplies in bins at each student’s seat

The last day of preplanning, this is how my classroom looked as I turned off the classroom lights, knowing next time I walked through my door it would be the first day of school.

I was so nervous Monday morning that I couldn’t even eat breakfast – and those who know me know I never skip breakfast. I made 2 slices of raisin toast, ate half of one piece, and threw the rest out. I wasn’t feeling too nervous, but my body definitely went into panic mode. I was just hoping I could survive the morning without puking. I felt much better once I actually got to school.

One of my team members made us these super cute 5th grade tribe shirts to wear on the first day of school and I paired it with a red midi skirt I recently bought at Nordstrom Rack.

Yes I did have a little photoshoot before school started

I welcomed my students into the room and we started into our rules and procedures, which pretty much lasted the whole day. Everyone was pretty quiet – a big change from the advanced work kindergarteners I student taught who never seemed to sit still or have a quiet moment the whole 3 months I was with them.

When the students came in the room, I had written on the board “How are you feeling today?” for students to answer on a sticky note “anonymously” with their names on the back. Every student responded they were feeling good. Some said they were excited to be back at school and others said they were happy, but nervous.

All set to welcome my students!

The first day went off without a hitch and I got along with the students really well. They warmed up by the end of the day and it started to feel like our own little community. They told me multiple times just the first day that I was the best teacher ever! When I told them I was engaged and getting married in January, they all started applauding for me! I had to laugh at some of the answers students wrote on one of their About Me assignments.

He should have written “honest” too!
5th grade is an interesting time when your favorite movie is Secret Life of Pets and your favorite song is Bad Guy by Billie Eilish…

After surviving the first day, the rest of the week was kind of a blur. It went even better than I could have hoped for. My students are incredibly sweet and I have some really fun personalities in the room. All the specials teachers commented on how well-behaved my class was, which made me feel so proud and lucky!

They did a great job of keeping 6 feet between them in line walking to lunch and wearing their masks correctly. Every time they walk in the room it’s now habit for them to grab a squirt of hand sanitizer or wash their hands. I only had to tell them our rules once the first day of school and then they just did it – no questions asked. They really seem to understand the importance of keeping themselves and their peers safe.

I’m also very grateful for the incredible teachers on the 5th grade team with me. We have such an open, communicative way of working together that is so nice to experience. I wouldn’t have had such a great first week if it weren’t for them!

My favorite part of the week was how excited my students were about the classroom library! The very first day I had every student go pick out a book from our class library as their independent reading book. I frequently talk about my passion for books so it was pretty clear by the end of even the first day that I wanted them all to love reading as much as I do. I told them when they come in the room they should read silently when they’re done with any morning work and if they finish an assignment before other students, they should get a book out and read then too.

Some asked me for recommendations and I guided them to a book I thought they might like. I take a lot of pride in my classroom library and have worked really hard on it. I’ve been so fortunate to have so many people donate books to my classroom. I made sure to tell my students to check for a “donated by” inscription inside the books they read because so many people care about them and wanted them to have books to read so then they would know who donated that book.

My favorite part of the classroom!

On the second day of school, one of my girls came up to me and said, “Ms. Hyatt, I’m really loving reading because of you,” and as someone who has been a lifelong avid reader, that made my heart SOAR!

By the end of the week, there were so many books in the “Book Return” bin because they were reading so much this week! They are great independent readers. Any time we have free time, the students beg to have silent reading time! I try to give them any free moment to indulge in their books.

One day during dismissal, when they can do whatever they want (draw, put their head down and rest, hang out and talk, etc.) all 6 of the kids waiting for their parents to arrive took out books and silently read. Not because I told them to, or even suggested it, but because they wanted to. It is very clear I have a group of readers, regardless of their reading level, and that makes me so happy!

On Friday, I asked my students what the best part of the week was and one of my students said, “Meeting you Ms. Hyatt.” I’m really looking forward to the rest of the year with this class and really becoming a family. We never know if or when we may have to go virtual, so I am soaking up every moment in person I can get!

To follow along with what’s going on in my classroom, follow my Teachergram @sammys.students!

“Feet Up Friday” is a trend on Teacher Instagram I was excited to take part in!

And for your viewing pleasure, here are some (very sassy) pictures of me from 2007 when I was in 5th grade!

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